A place for change
Change is happening every day, all around us. Every small step, action or idea takes us one step further to a more equitable, sustainable and purpose-driven world. The global movement of social entrepreneurship and innovation never stands still. Browse our latest news, heartening stories and key learnings. To reach for change.
Showing 7 of 98 solutions

expertise ecosystem Baltics blogpost 2023 projects
Developing impact investing ecosystems
This fall, we launched the Nordic-Baltic Investor Skillsharing - a series of online workshops which gather investors from the Nordic-Baltic region who are already involved or interested in investing in social entrepreneurs. We give them an opportunity to exchange knowledge and foster new connections to strengthen the Baltic Impact Investing ecosystem.

global ecosystem news 2023 projects
Launching Buy Social Europe B2B
A new transnational initiative - Buy Social Europe B2B - is bringing the social procurement movement in Europe to a next level, further unlocking the $500 billion market opportunity for social enterprises. It gathers a consortium of 23 partners, who will cooperate to accelerate trade partnerships between mainstream and social enterprises in 17 countries in Europe.

2022 ecosystem impact Ethiopia equality projects
Voice of Change in Ethiopia
In 2022, in collaboration with the award-winning radio show Erq Ma’ed and funding from the Swedish Institute, we produced the Voice of Change - a much-needed radio series which highlighted 5 strong and successful Ethiopian women and their stories.

ecosystem Baltics news 2023 ukraine project
Empowering civil organizations to maximize their impact
We’re launching a new project which will strengthen the ability of civil society organizations to measure and manage their impact. Until February 2024, with funding from the Nordic Council of Ministers, we’ll collaborate closely with Civic Alliance-Latvia and Social Economy Ukraine. We’ll provide them with the tools and knowledge on how to measure their own social impact, and will empower them to provide trainings and support within impact management for their member organizations.

Sweden ecosystem 2023 partnerships
Promoting social entrepreneurship in Sweden together with Clear Channel
We’re happy to share that we’ve just entered a long term partnership with Scandinavia's leading outdoor media company - Clear Channel. Together we have developed the outdoor campaign "Your idea - Our support" which will increase awareness about our work and promote local Swedish social entrepreneurs offering solutions for children and young people.

expertise ecosystem blogpost
5 learnings from investing in social entrepreneurship
Our CEO Sofia Breitholtz reflects on the key learnings from our social entrepreneurship programs in Europe and Africa and the conversations with various stakeholders and investors which we're hosting.
Sofia Breitholtz

Sweden network ecosystem Baltics
New peer learning network for Swedish-Baltic social entrepreneurs
Reach for Change Sweden, Social Enterprise Estonia, Social Entrepreneurship Association Latvia and the Lithuanian Social Business Association will pilot The Baltic Sea Impact Network - a new transnational network for peer learning between social entrepreneurs from the Baltic Sea region.