A place for change
Change is happening every day, all around us. Every small step, action or idea takes us one step further to a more equitable, sustainable and purpose-driven world. The global movement of social entrepreneurship and innovation never stands still. Browse our latest news, heartening stories and key learnings. To reach for change.
Showing 6 of 103 solutions

2022 Bulgaria projects
Enhancing the ecosystem for early growth social entrepreneurs in Bulgaria
To help close the funding gap for early-growth social entrepreneurs in Bulgaria, with the support of the European Commission, we launched the cross-sectoral initiative the Valley of Growth. The project included mapping and research activities to better understand the social entrepreneurial ecosystem in Bulgaria, designing and verifying a new financial instrument and creating an impact community of social entrepreneurs, investors and experts.

change leader story Bulgaria equality 2023
A pioneer gym for children with disabilities
Sports play a crucial role in the lives of children with disabilities, offering a wide range of benefits that positively impact their physical, mental, and social well-being. However, in Bulgaria, there are few sports facilities equipped for the needs of children with disabilities. Determined to change that, Svetoslav Zahariev founded Zahariev Fight Team - a pioneering gym which provides adapted equipment and regular training sessions for children with disabilities and special need

2022 change leader story impact Bulgaria
Overcoming prejudice through family love
When Silvena Hristova and Krasimir Lambov had a daughter with Down syndrome, they were advised by their doctor, like many other parents in Bulgaria, to place the child in foster care and move on with their lives without her.

2022 impact story change leader story Bulgaria
Turning one of the poorest regions in the EU into an attractive digital industry hub
Emiliyan Kadiyski and Teodor Kostadinov were born in Vratsa, Bulgaria - one of the poorest regions of the European Union. There are almost no functioning large businesses, educational levels are low and the entrepreneurial spirit is lacking.

expertise Bulgaria blogpost
Fighting poverty and social exclusion in Bulgaria: are we on track?
Open the Circle is a coalition with the ING Bank initiated by Reach for Change in Bulgaria and focused on preventing poverty and fighting social exclusion. After one year of implementation, we have made significant strides in the right direction towards tackling modern Bulgaria's most pressing issues but ran into some roadblocks along the way.
Stoyana Stoeva

expertise Bulgaria
Reach for Change to co-establish a national competency center in Bulgaria
A consortium across Bulgaria, Ireland, Cyprus and Portugal announced a new European Union funded project to promote social innovation in each country and cross-collaboration across Europe. The goal of the project is to establish a sustainable and responsive National Competence Centre for Social Innovation (NCCSI) in each of the countries.