A place for change
Change is happening every day, all around us. Every small step, action or idea takes us one step further to a more equitable, sustainable and purpose-driven world. The global movement of social entrepreneurship and innovation never stands still. Browse our latest news, heartening stories and key learnings. To reach for change.
Showing 16 of 98 solutions

blogpost Social Entrepreneurship Systems Change Impact Measurement
Measuring What Matters: Our Approach to Impact Measurement and Management
In the dynamic world of social entrepreneurship, where every action is designed to create a meaningful impact, measuring and managing that impact becomes crucial. It goes beyond simply quantifying results; it's about ensuring our efforts resonate with our mission and lead to tangible improvements in the lives of those we serve.
Shifteh Malithano

expertise blogpost Africa EdTech
Unlocking potential for the future of learning in Africa
Africa is on the verge of a digital revolution, and education is no exception. With a growing young population and an increasing recognition of the potential of technology, educational technology (EdTech) is becoming a transformative force.
Shifteh Malithano

expertise ecosystem Baltics blogpost 2023 projects
Developing impact investing ecosystems
This fall, we launched the Nordic-Baltic Investor Skillsharing - a series of online workshops which gather investors from the Nordic-Baltic region who are already involved or interested in investing in social entrepreneurs. We give them an opportunity to exchange knowledge and foster new connections to strengthen the Baltic Impact Investing ecosystem.

expertise Sweden blogpost 2023
Supporting social entrepreneurs: Unplugged learnings
Our Senior Program Manager Louise Johnsson Zea reflects on the key learnings from her daily work with the social entrepreneurs in our portfolio. She delves into their most pressing needs, remarkable strengths, common pitfalls, and promising opportunities, as well as the human side of the social entrepreneurship journey.
Louise Johnsson Zea

expertise Sweden blogpost 2023
Unique investments in social entrepreneurship in the EU and the UN - but where is Sweden?
With the EU's Social Economy Action Plan and a recently adopted UN resolution, Sweden has a chance to invest in social entrepreneurship. The opportunity is about to be missed, but there is still time to raise the issue, write our CEO Sofia Breitholtz and Jenny Carenco, partner in Utfallsfonden and board member of The Swedish National Advisory Board for Impact Investing.
Sofia Breitholtz

ghana expertise blogpost
Developing the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Ghana
Our Country Manager in Ghana, Solomon Twum, reflects on how the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Ghana has developed over the last decade, and shares insights on the national policy in the area, the local impact investing scene and what's needed in order to create more cross-sector collaborations for impact.
Solomon Twum

expertise ecosystem blogpost
5 learnings from investing in social entrepreneurship
Our CEO Sofia Breitholtz reflects on the key learnings from our social entrepreneurship programs in Europe and Africa and the conversations with various stakeholders and investors which we're hosting.
Sofia Breitholtz

expertise 2022 Ethiopia blogpost
Creating a green and equal future through social entrepreneurship: The case of Ethiopia
As developing economies like Ethiopia face the biggest challenges in the world with youth unemployment, high levels of inequality, and are the ones feeling the impact of the changing climate the most, we asked Lemlem to reflect on how social entrepreneurship is an important tool to tackle them and to share some of the inspiring examples and lessons learned from her work.
Lemlem Sinkineh

expertise 2022 blogpost strategy
Can all entrepreneurship be social?
With the new global strategy we developed in 2021, we want to take further steps to leverage the power of entrepreneurship to reduce child poverty, inequality and environmental issues.
Shifteh Malithano

expertise Bulgaria blogpost
Fighting poverty and social exclusion in Bulgaria: are we on track?
Open the Circle is a coalition with the ING Bank initiated by Reach for Change in Bulgaria and focused on preventing poverty and fighting social exclusion. After one year of implementation, we have made significant strides in the right direction towards tackling modern Bulgaria's most pressing issues but ran into some roadblocks along the way.
Stoyana Stoeva

ghana expertise blogpost
The power of entrepreneurship to reduce inequalities in Ghana
Our Country Manager in Ghana, Solomon Twum, shares his insights on how we have been unleashing the power of local entrepreneurs to reduce inequalities.
Solomon Twum

global blogpost 2021 climate
The world through our children's eyes
According to a recent UNICEF report, an astonishing 1 billion children, nearly half of the world’s children, live in extremely high risk countries. That means that they will be severely affected by climate and environmental hazards, shocks and stresses. In their lifetimes , they will experience damage from heat waves, cyclones, flooding, water scarcity and pollution.
Sofia Breitholtz

expertise global blogpost 2021
The secrets behind being a successful social entrepreneur
What is the common denominator between them all? What are the success factors and common mistakes? And what would he advise all who have taken upon the path of social entrepreneurship? This blogpost gives answers to all those important questions.
Richard Gorvett

expertise global blogpost
How tech can truly be a game changer for acceleration of social impact
It’s 2021 and technology is present in every part of our daily lives. We know the power of technology, but it can also be leveraged as a tool to enable change. There are so many opportunities to use tech to create a more equal and sustainable world. But in order for that to happen we need to ask ourselves - how do we use this power of technology?
Sofia Breitholtz

expertise global blogpost
5 ways to promote more equal and inclusive investments
Numbers don’t lie. 3% of global venture capital funding goes to women. In Sweden, that number dwindles to just over 1%. And this funding goes almost exclusively to white women. How can we proudly position ourselves as frontrunners of innovation and entrepreneurship, while we still shut out women from accessing the capital they need to build and scale?
Sofia Breitholtz

expertise Sweden blogpost
Three learnings from trying to democratise social innovation
My name is Nicklas Wallberg and I’m a farmer son from Söderköping, Sweden trying to transform the situation for social entrepreneurs in socio-economic challenged areas. As Reach for Change’s Country Manager I have the will, right intentions and strong networks to make it happen. What could go wrong right?
Nicklas Wallberg