A place for change
Change is happening every day, all around us. Every small step, action or idea takes us one step further to a more equitable, sustainable and purpose-driven world. The global movement of social entrepreneurship and innovation never stands still. Browse our latest news, heartening stories and key learnings. To reach for change.
Showing 98 of 98 solutions

expertise 2022 blogpost strategy
Can all entrepreneurship be social?
With the new global strategy we developed in 2021, we want to take further steps to leverage the power of entrepreneurship to reduce child poverty, inequality and environmental issues.
Shifteh Malithano

ghana 2022 impact story change leader story
Reclaiming the life of a slave child
When James Kofi Annan was 6, the youngest child of an illiterate family, he was sold into child slavery. He worked as a child fisherman in Lake Volta in Ghana. His working day started at 3am and ended at 8pm, and was full of physically demanding work. He was malnutritioned, abused, didn’t have access to medical care, education. He didn’t have any rights.

2022 impact story change leader story Bulgaria
Turning one of the poorest regions in the EU into an attractive digital industry hub
Emiliyan Kadiyski and Teodor Kostadinov were born in Vratsa, Bulgaria - one of the poorest regions of the European Union. There are almost no functioning large businesses, educational levels are low and the entrepreneurial spirit is lacking.

Sweden partnership SDG16
Tele2 expands their collaboration with Reach for Change
Tele2 has worked together with Reach for Change for over 10 years, improving the lives of 4.3 million children and youth through direct support to social entrepreneurs and their organizations. This collaboration is now being expanded in line with Tele2's ambition to be a leader within sustainability and Reach for Change's global impact goal of reaching 30 million children and youth by 2030.

expertise Bulgaria blogpost
Fighting poverty and social exclusion in Bulgaria: are we on track?
Open the Circle is a coalition with the ING Bank initiated by Reach for Change in Bulgaria and focused on preventing poverty and fighting social exclusion. After one year of implementation, we have made significant strides in the right direction towards tackling modern Bulgaria's most pressing issues but ran into some roadblocks along the way.
Stoyana Stoeva

2022 impact story change leader story Ethiopia
Building a strong and inclusive tech society by teaching children how to code
Nathan Damtew studied computer science at the University in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. When he started his education, he struggled to understand and learn how to work with programming. A big reason for this was that he had no introduction to coding before he started University. That’s when the idea came of introducing coding much earlier for children and youth, in order to prepare them for future education.

2022 news
March 2022 at a glance
New victories of our Change Leaders, amazing opportunities for social entrepreneurs, strong partnerships and many more highlights from March.

ghana expertise blogpost
The power of entrepreneurship to reduce inequalities in Ghana
Our Country Manager in Ghana, Solomon Twum, shares his insights on how we have been unleashing the power of local entrepreneurs to reduce inequalities.
Solomon Twum

partnership SDG16
Reach for Change and ChromaWay to make blockchain more inclusive and accessible for social entrepreneurs
Reach for Change and ChromaWay are now joining forces to accelerate the speed towards Agenda 2030 with blockchain technology. The partnership will focus on the mission to combine the potential of blockchain and local social entrepreneurship to create a better world for children and youth.

expertise partnership Ethiopia
Reach for Change and IKEA Foundation to support young people in Ethiopia to start green businesses
The IKEA Foundation is investing 1 million US dollars in Reach for Change to support and develop green entrepreneurship and green jobs in Ethiopia. In total, the project will educate 360 young people in entrepreneurship and support 60 green solutions to develop into sustainable green businesses.

ghana education partnership SDG16
Reach for Change and the Jacobs Foundation invests in educational social entrepreneurs in Ghana
On the 24th of February Reach for Change and the Jacobs Foundation have launched a two-year support program that envisions to positively influence the educational system in Ghana.

global 2022 news
January 2022 at a glance
Explore the highlights from January to get inspired by our social entrepreneurs across different markets.

global highlights 2021
2021 in a nutshell
All the greatest moments of 2021 in one place to inspire and motivate for new victories.

expertise global equality
An Anthology on empowering female entrepreneurs
In 2021, together with Global Utmaning we launched the Women Leaders Anthology - a collection of voices, data and insights on empowering female entrepreneurs and their importance in the transition towards sustainable societies. The authors of the anthology are social entrepreneurs, investors, civil society representatives and researchers.

expertise global
How does the Nordic Changemaker Landscape look like?
On November 30th Reach for Change and Ashoka Nordics launched the insights and data from the Nordic Changemaker Map - a health check on the ecosystem for changemaking and social entrepreneurship in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway.

global news 2021
Great news from September and October
Check out the highlights of the fall and get inspired by all the achievements across the globe.