Local solutions to global problems
We are unleashing the power of local social entrepreneurs to improve the lives of children and youth.
The stories of hope, change and resilience
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Showing 124 of 124 solutions

Torsten Kjellgren & Samuel Gyasi
IT for Children
Providing daily free-of-charge access to computers, internet and high-quality ICT education for hundreds of children
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Mulugeta Gebru alumni
Creating a favorable environment for learning and improving the capacity of teachers to deliver quality education.
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Tigist Waltenegus alumni
Erk Maed
Creating awareness about mental health , helping underprivileged women get treatment and working to uncover the trauma and help a society break free from the pain.
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Emenet Mersha alumni
Elillta Products
Working with both vulnerable women and their children who produce scarves, jewelry and soap in export standard and thus are able to have a decent life and job opportunities.
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Adane Alemu alumni
Addis Vision
Improving the lives of children from low income families and giving them a chance to benefit from education, health, livelihood, and other basic social services and capacity building opportunities.
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Yiknubeh Hailemichael alumni
Eagle Computer Technology Plc
Providing computer programming training from grade 2 according to the level of children by preparing their training programs at schools during the weekends.

Enkunesh Azanew alumni
Bright Start Child Day Care
Providing quality, holistic and affordable early childhood care and learning center with nutritious food, medical check-ups, foundational learning, and structured and unstructured play for children from low and middle income families.

Hiwet Mamo alumni
Hiwet Music
Using music to educate children from both affluent and underprivileged communities in Ethiopia with focus from 0 -10 years of age.
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Hamere Mulugeta alumni
Nu Chika Enabuka
Creating a journey for children and their families in search of the Ethiopian identity that has been concealed through time.
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Rahel Tsegaye alumni
Fidel Tiru
Providing children’s educational materials in a unique and attractive way for children from 2-7 years of age.

Getachew Gebrehiwet alumni
Getachew and Yibralem patented products
Creating aiding tools that could ease the day-to-day activities of person with disability, elderly people and pregnant women.

Genet Beyene alumni
Ledeg Crafts
Giving crafts training for students aged between 4 and 12 to bring a positive learning outcome.