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  • Entrepreneurs
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    Our programs have evolved over time to respond to the needs of social entrepreneurs working in diverse circumstances. We continue to tailor our programs to fit the contexts within which we work and refine them based on the impact results we collect. 

    Thematic Areas

    We envision a world where all children and youth reach their full potential. To achieve this vision, we have an ambitious and highly focused plan to invest in social entrepreneurs tackling some of the worlds’ greatest challenges across three thematic areas: Reduced Poverty, Reduced Inequality, and Climate Change.

    Our thematic areas align with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

    Reduced Poverty

    We employ a holistic approach to tackling poverty by investing in social entrepreneurs whose solutions address child poverty now and increase the likelihood that cycles of poverty will be broken in the future. These include social enterprises that drive competitiveness in the job market, as well those who improve access to quality healthcare and education.

    Reduced Inequality

    Sexism, racism, discrimination based on sexual orientation, religion or ability — these are just some of the inequalities that impact children and youth and can threaten their chances of reaching their full potential in life. This is why we focus on vulnerable groups. We back social entrepreneurs working with children and youth most affected by inequality,

    Increased Climate Resilience

    Children and youth, the group least responsible for climate change, are already the group most disproportionately impacted by its effects. Thus, our climate resilience stream supports social entrepreneurs focused on increasing climate knowledge, engagement and participation.


    Our Programs




    Amplifying the voices of female entrepreneurs Completed

    A collaborative project with one of the award-winning radio shows in Ethiopia. Within the project 5 interviews with notable women within the business/social sector in Ethiopia will be broadcasted, inspiring women and girls in urban and rural areas to pursue an entrepreneurial career.

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    Sweden, The Baltic states


    Engaging peer learning between social entrepreneurs Completed

    Funded by the Swedish Institute, the Baltic Sea Impact Network is a pilot unique transnational network for peer learning between 30 social entrepreneurs from Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. The aim is to help the network's members learn new skills, connect with like-minded peers from neighbouring countries and increase the access of social entrepreneurs to relevant stakeholders.

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    Turning up the volume on the EdTech innovators Completed

    Edupreneur Talks is a podcast series turning up the volume on the EdTech innovators, solving some of the most pressing educational challenges in Ghana. Together with the Jacobs Foundation, we'll introduce you to 10 brave edupreneurs from Ghana, part of our joint Scaling Readiness Program. We’ll dive deeper into their entrepreneurial journeys and the insights they’ve gathered along the way.

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    Preparing ed-tech social entrepreneurs to scale Completed

    A capacity development project for social entrepreneurs focused on improving educational outcomes for children and youth. The project will help the social entrepreneurs to improve and gather further evidence on the effectiveness of their solutions and to prepare to scale their interventions.

    Latvia, Ukraine


    Strengthening the ecosystem's ability to measure and manage impact Completed

    In the project “Strengthening Impact Measurement within Civil Society Organisations”, Reach for Change works together with the independent civil society organizations: Civic Alliance Latvia (CAL), and Social Economy Ukraine (SEU) to strengthen the ecosystem's ability to measure and manage their impact. The project is funded by the Nordic Council and will be ongoing until February 2024.

    Sweden, Bulgaria


    Promoting social innovation and cross-collaboration Completed

    A European collaborative project aiming at promoting social innovation and cross-collaboration across Europe. The goal of the project is to establish a sustainable and responsive National Competence Centers for Social Innovation engaging knowledge transfer, networking and synergies in the ecosystem.


    Strengthening the social entrepreneurship ecosystem Completed

    Reach for Change Latvia has been chosen by the Latvian Ministry of Welfare as one of the partners in a large-scale cycle of social entrepreneurship activities under the name "Developing social entrepreneurship together!", financed by the European Social Fund.


    Poverty, Inequality

    Enhancing the ecosystem for early-growth social entrepreneurs Completed

    A cross-sectoral project which aims at boosting the development of the finance market for social enterprises in Bulgaria.

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    Poverty, Inequality

    Preventing poverty and social exclusion Completed

    Open the Circle is a multi-sectoral coalition focusing on preventing poverty and social exclusion through local social entrepreneurs. With the Scaling Readiness program, which is part of the initiative, we supported two established social enterprises in order to unleash their potential to scale their social organizations.


    Programs in focus

    To amplify our impact and drive sustainable positive social change, we currently deliver two program streams based on our theory of changecapacity development and ecosystem development.

    Explore below to learn more about each program's unique focus, objectives, and impact in driving positive change.

    Capacity development - beating the odds

    Through these projects we target social entrepreneurs on different stages of development (from concept to growth stage) to develop effective, sustainable, and scalable solutions. We offer them capacity development support to strengthen three areas (Effective solution, Financial sustainability, Leadership, team and operations), financial support to help them develop and deliver their solution and network to create opportunities for new learnings, partnerships, and funding.

    Ecosystem development - improving the odds

    Successfully growing or scaling a solution is almost impossible if you are working in a fragmented ecosystem. In order to scale, good solutions will need support from a variety of actors in the public, private and/or non-profit sectors. We work to establish supportive local ecosystems for social entrepreneurs to increase their chances of success.