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  • Message from our CEO, Sofia Breitholtz

    A year of staying resilient

    2022 saw us coming out of a global pandemic. Little did we know that the resilience we had built up would be needed now more than ever. In early 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. There were violence and conflicts in several of our markets, and the effects of the climate change were felt more than ever. In such tumultuous times, the entrepreneurs we work with every day have shown us how to be brave in the face of crises, and have demonstrated how to build back a more equitable, sustainable and just society. We also experienced how strong partnerships can support us in responding quickly to the many complex and converging challenges we face.

    Message from our Director of Programs & Impact, Shifteh Malithano

    Evolving our impact framework

    We have continuously invested, expanded, iterated and improved our impact measurement systems and frameworks to ensure we are an impact-driven organization. We carefully select and support entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs who are driven by a deep-rooted desire to address pressing social and environmental challenges. We also facilitate collaboration, knowledge sharing and learning among the actors in the ecosystem. Our aim is that not only will this enable better conditions for entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs, but also multiply their impact and create synergy that goes beyond the individual achievements.

    Our Impact in 2022

    Reach for Change has never before run as many impactful programs as we have done in 2022 - from piloting support of green entrepreneurs, through deep diving in the ed-tech sector or empowering entrepreneurs who have the keys to integration, to strengthening our networks and cross-border collaboration to serve our communities better - this has been a busy year.

    Read full report here
    33 projects successfully implemented in Europe and Africa
    Over 800 aspiring and active entrepreneurs supported
    Over 1000 actors engaged in ecosystem development activities
    Over 14 000 children and 890 youth supported by our entrepreneurs

    Capacity Development Programs

    We run Innovation Labs, Incubators and Scaling Readiness Programs, targeting local (social) entrepreneurs with innovative solutions for poverty, inequality and climate change issues, as well as Entrepreneurship Bootcamps and Women and Youth Empowerment Programs.

    Catalyzing green business in Ethiopia

    With the support of the IKEA Foundation, has been implementing a pilot project in Ethiopia aimed at inspiring young people to establish green enterprises. In collaboration with four higher education institutions in Addis Ababa, we've organized Green Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for 359 students and a Green Innovation Lab for selected early proof of concept stage entrepreneurs.

    With IKEA Foundation

    Driving inclusion through social entrepreneurship in Bulgaria

    For 9 years together with Nova Broadcasting Group we've been supporting social entrepreneurs with innovative solutions to pressing issues for children and youth in Bulgaria. One of them was Svetoslav Zahariev, founder of Zahariev Fight Team - a pioneering gym which provides adapted equipment and regular training sessions for children with disabilities and special needs.

    With Nova Broadcasting Group

    Supporting innovations that reduce inequalities in Sweden

    Our Incubator program in Sweden helps social entrepreneurs in the proof of concept and early growth stage further develop their organization, with the purpose of making life better for as many youths and children as possible. In 2022, one of the supported Change Leaders was Muna Idow, founder of Mermaid Simskola, that strives to make swimming accessible and inclusive for everyone.

    Scaling ed-tech solutions in Ghana

    Despite significant progress in recent decades, the Ghanaian educational system continues to face several challenges. In our Scaling Readiness program, done in partnership with the Jacobs Foundation, we're equipping 10 outstanding edupreneurs with the resources and skills to strengthen and scale the impact of their ed-tech solutions.

    with the Jacobs Foundation

    Ecosystem Development Programs

    Successfully growing or scaling a solution is almost impossible if you are working in a fragmented ecosystem. Our ecosystem development activities include advocacy and awareness, fostering collaboration between sectors and capacity building for key actors.

    Empowering youth and women in Ghana to advocate for their economic rights

    Poverty is a major and multidimensional issue in Ghana, preventing individuals especially young people and women from enjoying a right to economic security. Through Forum CIV, together with Social Enterprise Ghana, we're enabling young people and women living in poverty to advocate for and gain access to services that should be made available to them to become sustainably self-employed or start a small business.

    with Social Enterprise Ghana

    Enhancing the ecosystem for early growth social entrepreneurs in Bulgaria

    To help close the funding gap for early-growth social entrepreneurs in Bulgaria, with the support of the European Commission, we launched the cross-sectoral initiative the Valley of Growth. The project included mapping and research activities to better understand the social entrepreneurial ecosystem in Bulgaria, designing and verifying a new financial instrument and creating an impact community of social entrepreneurs, investors and experts.

    Funded by the European Comission

    Fostering cross-sector dialogue and partnerships

    The fifth global edition of our Partnering for Change event series gathered over 30 speakers from the public, business and social sector for a half-day filled with thought provoking discussions on cross-sector partnerships, building resilience into our systems and the role of social entrepreneurs in a time of complex challenges.

    Turning up the volume on successful female entrepreneurs in Ethiopia

    Together with Erq Ma’ed and with funding from the Swedish Institute we created the Voice of Change - a much-needed Ethiopian radio series to highlight the stories of strong female entrepreneurs in Ethiopia. We hosted 5 interviews with notable women, who have succeeded within the business or social sector and who have challenged the gender norms in Ethiopia.

    Funded by the Swedish Institute


    Stories and lessons of change

    One of our key goals is to raise the awareness about the impact of social entrepreneurship and the importance of collaboration in fostering a robust ecosystem. We constantly share heartening impact stories, interviews with our social entrepreneurs and key learnings from our different markets.

    Browse our articles


    Social entrepreneurship in Ukraine: driving social impact in the face of a conflict

    Petro Darmoris, Board Member of the Ukrainian Social Academy, reflects on the state of the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Ukraine today, on the role of social entrepreneurship after the Russian invasion and on staying hopeful and driving social impact in the face of a war

    by Petro Darmoris


    5 learnings from investing in social entrepreneurship

    Our CEO Sofia Breitholtz reflects on the key learnings from our social entrepreneurship programs in Europe and Africa and the conversations with various stakeholders and investors which we're hosting.

    By Sofia Breitholtz


    Developing the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Ghana

    Our Country Manager in Ghana, Solomon Twum, reflects on how the social entrepreneurship ecosystem in Ghana has developed over the last decade, and shares insights on the national policy in the area, the local impact investing scene and what's needed in order to create more cross-sector collaborations for impact.

    By Solomon Twum


    Sounds of hope: Reshaping suburban children's lives

    A child of Caribbean immigrants, Jean-Charles Cari grew up with his mum in the rough suburbs of Paris and saw many of his friends end up on the wrong path. But role models and music saved his life. Ten years ago he moved to Sweden and when he recognized himself in many of the young teenagers, he decided to offer them what he had helped him, and so Artozik was born.

    With Jean-Charles Cari

    We reach for change together with

    Our partners

    We reach for change

    The world is full of remarkable people who carry brilliant solutions to social problems. Since 2010, we have been empowering these people to create a world where all children reach their full potential.

    Browse our Social Impact Reports