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  • Great news from May and June

    Capture the most exciting news of the last month of spring and the first month of summer. Check this article for more information.

    Russia: A unique EU-funded project Collaborate for Impact 

    Russian Foundation "Navstrechu peremenam" became a partner of the EU-funded project named Collaborate for Impact. This is a unique project shaping social entrepreneurship and social investment in the Eastern Partnership and Russia, led by the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA). The Collaborate for Impact Regional Launch Event was a first step in building the social entrepreneurship ecosystem. From 9 to 11 June the event gathered over 750 participants from the Eastern Partnership and Russia to explore the development of social entrepreneurship and social investment in this region. Thanks to this project “Reach for Impact Investments” program and the Competition of Social Initiatives have been recently launched. 


    Lithuania: Forum for Social Business in Lithuanian Parliament

    The forum "Social Business Breakthrough in Lithuania: vision or reality" was initiated by a member of the Lithuania's Parliament Andrius Bagdonas. It brought together social businesses, experts and practitioners who shared their insights and experience. Viktorija Gaspariūnaitė, the founder of Social Initiative and Reach for Change's Incubator participant, had an opportunity to speak at the forum.

    I had a pleasure of participating in the Social Business Forum held in Lithuania's Parliament with other Lithuanian social business practitioners. I believe that step by step social business will have clear legal regulation and will contribute even more to the creation of positive social changes in society.

    Viktorija Gaspariūnaitė, the founder of Social Initiative and Reach for Change's Incubator participant


    Ethiopia: Social Entrepreneurs Days in Hawassa and Addis Ababa

    Reach for Change Ethiopia organized two Social Entrepreneurs Days in the end of May in Hawassa and Addis Ababa. These big events were aimed at celebrating the 6 years of successful work with the Change Leaders who are striving to make their community better and at glorifying the social impact created by local social entrepreneurs from our programs. Both events were attended by key stakeholders, business leaders and network activists who shared their experience in finding new innovative ways to create system change in Ethiopia.  In Hawassa Sidama National Regional State Vice President and Social Enterprise Ethiopia President were part of the event and discussions.


    Denmark and Norway: Leaving the Nest with Bain & Co. 

    For more than a year three Change Leaders from Denmark and Norway have been part of the Bain & Co. Advisory Program where they were supported within different areas to ensure a developing journey towards a bigger social impact. This June we had our Leaving the Nest event where Change Leaders and Advisors had the opportunity to reflect and thank everyone for this great advisory program. Looking at the impressions given both by Change Leaders and Advisors of the program, we are sure that it was a fantastic experience for all the participants. 

    - "I really liked the professionalism of my advisors and the chance to see my organization through new eyes" (Change Leader)

    - "It was great to hear the success stories and see the passion of Change Leaders" (Advisor) 

    - "Most of all, I liked the trustworthy setting – for me to feel safe and dare to be honest" (Change Leader)

    - "The best part for me was seeing my Change Leader’s achievements in such a short time frame" (Advisor)


    Sweden and Bulgaria: Reach for Change to co-establish National Competency Centers for Social Innovation

    The project proposals of Reach for Change in Sweden and Bulgaria to form National Competency Centers for Social Innovation were approved and will receive funding from the European Union (via the European Social Fund and the European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation). The projects will be implemented in a period over two years within two strong international consortiums, including organisations from Sweden, Spain, France, Latvia & Bulgaria, Ireland, Portugal and Cyprus. The goal is to promote social innovation in each country, map and support social innovation stakeholders and catalyse knowledge transfer and cross-collaboration across Europe.
