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  • Empowering Ethiopia’s EdTech Founders: Insights from the Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship Immersion Week

    The Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship in Ethiopia brought together 12 pioneering EdTech enterprises committed to transforming educational outcomes for underserved youth across the country.
    The first cohort of the Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship in Ethiopia in a picturesque setting at the Kuriftu Resort and Spa for an Immersion Week.

    The first cohort of the Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship in Ethiopia in a picturesque setting at the Kuriftu Resort and Spa for an Immersion Week.

    From June 11th to June 16th, over the course of an intensive Immersion Week, the Reach for Change team, consultants, and local coaches provided onboarding to the fellows and guided them through a structured training module. They engaged in a series of workshops, mentoring sessions, and collaborative activities that challenged them to refine their business models, sharpen their impact strategies, and build vital connections within the ecosystem. The goal was to equip them with the necessary knowledge and expertise to grow their EdTech enterprises.

    “The Immersion Week was a pivotal moment for our fellows, providing them with the specialized support, resources, and network they need to scale their EdTech solutions. We witnessed a palpable energy of innovation and camaraderie as these entrepreneurs came together to solve complex educational challenges."

    Zecharias Tadesse, Senior Program Manager at Reach for Change Ethiopia for the Mastercard Edtech Fellowship

    On the left: Eliud Chemweno, EdTech Ecosystem Lead, Mastercard Foundation. On the right: Zecharias Tadesse, Senior Program Manager at Reach for Change Ethiopia

    On the left: Eliud Chemweno, EdTech Ecosystem Lead, Mastercard Foundation. On the right: Zecharias Tadesse, Senior Program Manager at Reach for Change Ethiopia

    Insights from Mastercard Foundation and Fellows


    Eliud Chemweno, EdTech Ecosystem Lead, Mastercard Foundation provided an overview of the Foundation's vision and holistic approach to supporting inclusive EdTech in Ethiopia:

    "We believe that innovative, technology-driven solutions have the power to dramatically improve learning experiences and outcomes, especially for marginalized communities. The Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship is our commitment to nurturing the next generation of EdTech leaders who will reshape the educational landscape in Ethiopia."

    Eliud Chemweno, EdTech Ecosystem Lead, Mastercard Foundation

    "The Mastercard Foundation is incredibly enthusiastic about the EdTech fellowship program in Ethiopia. We are eager to see the impact it will have on the educational landscape, including addressing the high number of children out of school and other challenges faced in the sector.

    The Mastercard Foundation is especially excited about leveraging technology through this program to drive positive change, and to increase the involvement of young girls in EdTech.

    Photo from one of the workshops during the Immersion Week

    Photo from one of the workshops during the Immersion Week

    I remember in a conversation with one of the EdTech entrepreneurs, he said ‘We have a solution that will impact about 3 million young people between grade 7-12’. This excitement and their willingness to dream big, to see them engage, and come alive in the immersion week sessions was inspiring. The entrepreneurs' eagerness to tackle the country's unique educational challenges is truly motivating.

    Overall, the Mastercard Foundation is thrilled to support this growing EdTech ecosystem in Ethiopia, which is producing innovative solutions from entrepreneurs across different regions in Ethiopia, not just the capital city, Addis Ababa where we see most solutions being concentrated.”

    Among the 12 fellows, two young women entrepreneurs shared their journeys:

    Barkot Eshetu, co-founder of GlobeDock Academy and an EdTech Fellow

    Barkot Eshetu, co-founder of GlobeDock Academy and an EdTech Fellow

    Barkot Eshetu: “Participating in the recent Immersion Week was a transformative experience for us at GlobeDock Academy; a leading eLearning provider dedicated to democratizing access to quality education. Throughout the week, our team engaged deeply with business model innovations and scaling strategies, which were crucial in refining our approach towards educational delivery. The sessions on business model canvassing and impact modeling not only honed our strategic outlook but also underscored the importance of adaptive and scalable learning solutions in meeting diverse educational needs.

    Additionally, we explored advanced adaptive learning techniques and delved into neurological studies from the 'Science of Learning' that helped us understand how to better tailor educational content and interventions. These insights have been pivotal in refining our educational strategies, reinforcing our commitment to leveraging AI for personalized learning, and sparking potential for new strategic partnerships, ensuring that we continue to lead in offering impactful and accessible educational solutions."

    Hermela Fikre, Founder of Koderlab Training Center, whose EdTech startup focuses on increasing digital literacy, and utilizes coding for learning, echoed the sentiment. "

    Hermela Fikre, Founder of Koderlab Training Center, whose EdTech startup focuses on increasing digital literacy, and utilizes coding for learning, echoed the sentiment. "

    "This fellowship has connected us with a community of like-minded innovators who are passionate about driving educational change. I'm leaving this week feeling inspired and better equipped to scale my solution nationwide."

    Hermela Fikre, Founder of Koderlab Training Center

    A Transformative Journey Ahead


    As the first cohort of the Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship completes this pivotal immersion week, the 12 enterprises are poised to embark on a transformative journey of growth and impact. Equipped with the specialized knowledge, refined strategies, and expanded network, these EdTech pioneers are now better positioned to tackle the complex challenges facing Ethiopia's education system and unlock brighter futures for the country's youth.

    "This immersion week has been a testament to the power of collaboration, innovation, and a relentless commitment to social impact. We are thrilled to support these exceptional entrepreneurs as they continue to blaze a trail for inclusive EdTech solutions in Ethiopia."

    Zecharias Tadesse, Senior Program Manager at Reach for Change Ethiopia

    The inaugural 12 Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellows in Ethiopia

    The inaugural 12 Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellows in Ethiopia

    Learn more about the Mastercard Foundation EdTech Fellowship in Ethiopia and the 12 inaugural fellows here.